Sunday, September 19, 2010

Breakfast at Tiffany's nope breakfast at Denny's

Denny's has taken over the restaurant at the Flying J in Wayland, Mo. They just opened. We decided to go there for breakfast this morning. We got there at the right time because soon after were arrived the crowd started to grow and there was a line waiting to be seated. It was a wet sunday morning here, a lot of the customers were coming from the mule festival in Kahoka.
It looked like they were maybe understaffed. It took a while to get our orders. While we waited a table over across from us got their orders. All four diners complained that their food was cold. A manager came out to talk to them then all four got up and left with their food on the table. I thought about raiding the food but the staff cleared the table pretty cook, naturally so because people were standing in line and that line was growing.
Our food came and it was wonderful, and yes it was hot. I ordered the ultimate omelet with hash browns and toast. It was delish. Everyone at our table got great food. There was plenty of it as well. I was the only one to clean my plate. My oldest son, Colton, tackled the double hamburger and and he was victorious, but he couldn't get thru the fries.
We were all satisfied with the service and the food. It was a gastro experience.

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