Monday, May 16, 2011

Take on new food challenges! Whole Foods Market

This past weekend, we took the boys to the Ren Faire in Wentzville, MO. Before leaving the area we went to the Whole Foods Market in Town and Country off Clayton Road. The claim to fame for this food chain is natural and organic groceries. I was wowed upon first entering the store. The produce section was laid out right in front of me. I saw things you would never see around here. Fresh produce was stacked everywhere. There were artichokes, endives, daikon radishes, okra, baby bok choy, fresh herbs, fresh coconuts. Too many to mention them all here. I was in vegetable porn heaven. Next we went to the fresh seafood counter. They had a very good selection of fresh, not frozen, seafood.
The prices were a bit high, but I would expect that for fresh seafood. The meat and poultry counters were stuffed, all claiming to be organic and purchased locally. A shout out to Brian M. for explaining to us about air chilled chicken and why that processed is used. I will talk about that another time.
Needless to say I loved the place. After spending $185.00, we left with a good assortment of things we have never tried before. This seemed like a good time to experiment. Luckily we had a cooler in the van so everything stayed nice and cold. The following is a things we purchased because we wanted to try some new things.
Wild Chilean Sea Bass
Baby squid antipasti salad
salmon caviar
camenbert cheese
frozen swordfish steaks
greek stuffed grape leaves
miso and dashi for making miso soup
Schlafly's new American India Pale Ale
aged goat cheese
Italian espresso coffee.
Plus some other ingredients that we had tried before.
Last night for dinner we tried the sea bass, salmon caviar and camenbert cheese. I also made up some miso soup. The whole family had a great time trying these new foods and flavors. We still have more things in the fridge and freezer to try at a later date. All four of us tried everything. We try to get the boys to try everything atleast once.
So take on a challenge, be a grocery/food explorer. You might fine some new favorite things. Then again you may find things you can't stand and will never try again. Who knows, take a chance.

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