Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cookie's Cafe Kahoka, MO

I wanted to take the family out for a nice Sunday lunch. Three out of four voted to go to Cookie's Cafe. We have had good food there before and was expecting the same thing today. That didn't happen. We arrived around 11:30 and the restaurant wasn't very busy. Skipping the buffet we ordered ala carte. The first problem was that they were out of chicken strips.
I went with the mushroom appetizer and the cheeseburger basket which includes fries and cole slaw. Things started with a bang because the mushrooms were ice cold in the middle and the batter was quite hard. Round 1 was undercooked mushrooms. Next came the main course of cheeseburger, fries and slaw. The waitressed served me a naked cheeseburger. I remembered that I ordered the basket but she didn't ask me what I wanted on it, and I missed it entirely. She asked my wife and son what they wanted on theirs. To compensate I applied tabasco and ketchup. The next "not surprising" was undercooked fries. The only thing overcooked was my cheeseburger. It was dry dry dry.
Next the waitress went to the salad bar and retrieved some cole slaw for me. It was served at room temperature and bland as hell. I guess it's ok to serve at that temperature if there is no mayo in the slaw. I had to jazz it up with salt and pepper.
So in conclusion, I paid $37 plus tip for our meal for 4. That meal included undercooked mushrooms and fries, an overcooked cheeseburger and bland, warm cole slaw. I was very disappointed, I always loved their burgers. I don't understand the rush to get the food out as the place was almost empty. Make it right then serve it, don't rush it out to an empty house. I will definitely think twice before I go back.

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