Friday, April 29, 2011

You can feed a family of 4 dinner for less than $8

It seems I have gotten into hoarding. These days, when I see a good sale, I stock up. This is especially true of canned goods and frozen meats. I have 2 freezers and try to keep them full. Part of that is buying meat on the hoof and having it processed, this includes beef, pork and lamb. SO far I have always saved money by buy by the half or whole. When shopping, I keep my out for good bargains on frozen food.
Recently I was at HyVee in Keokuk, IA. They had a sale on whole, skin on, frozen, wild caught, salmon filet for $3.99. I bought 4 of them.
So here is my menu for this evening's dinner.
Salmon filet $3.99
Mashed potatoes less than a $1 but we will say $1 for example
Canned mixed vegetables $0.75
So for $5.75 I have dinner for 4, granted this doesn't include spices or drinks or condiments. That aside, this is a fairly healthy meal that is inexpensive.

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