Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Curing meat at home.

Today i am embarking on my first attempt to cure meat at home. I have a 3 pound pork roast thawing out now. I will be using 3 tbs of Morton's Tender Quick and 3 tsp of sugar. Once the meat is thawed completely, I will pat it dry and apply the dry cure mixture. I will then store it in a ziploc bag in the bottom of the fridge. I will shake the bag and turn it over every day.

After 7 days I will remove it from the bag and rince it off well. Once again I will dry then put it into my. I am going to try and do a cold smoke, because of that the temp will be below 200 degrees. I will smoke it until I get an internal temp aroud 150-160.

When all that is done I will run it thru the slicer and pack it into ziploc bags and put it in the freezer. Then I will just use it like I would bacon.

I will keep the blog updated.

Wish me luck!

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