Friday, August 20, 2010

The Ghost Chile---- Bhut Jolokia

The Bhut Jolokia or "ghost chile" is native to India. It has been officially recognized as the hottest chile pepper in the world. It weighs in at over 1,000,000 Scoville units for heat. That is dang hot. I tried a small bit of a dried pepper and that was enough to make me say "whoa."

So what did I do? I ordered some fresh peppers and some dried peppers. We have some friends that like to test their metal by eating hot stuff. I ordered the fresh chiles for the seeds so I can grow some next spring. From them I will make some hot sauce to sell at the spice shop. The dried ones I will use to make a Ghost Chile Oil.

Because of the heat factor I promised the wife that I would do it all outside. When you are making hot sauce or grinding dried peppers, the odor can get intense and drive you out of the house. So for the safety of my loved ones I will do it all outside.

Can't wait to try it.

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