Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hold the phone! Talk of the town. Woah Nelly

Stop the presses and hold the phone. The upscale eatery in town isn't so up scale. Guess things aren't what they seem. Lately somethings have transpired to lead me to believe that things are amuck in Daisyville.

An attempt to bring culture and upscale food to this little burg has failed evidently. I was grocery shopping today, as I do every day and was surprised to see the shopper in front of me buying frozen meatballs. It was about an hour before lunch time but I didn't expect to see the proprieter of our only upscale eatery buying frozen meatballs. It would have been less expensive to buy ground beef and make them from scratch.

Oh well guess we know where my fam will not be eating. I can buy frozen meatballs too and serve them at home. But I don't, Rob and the boys have a great time making meatballs from scratch. That is one of our little pleasures.

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