Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day Pickles

Day pickles are pickles that are to be made in the morning and enjoyed all day, even for 1 or 2 days more if you can keep your fork out of the jar.

1 large cucumber

2/3 cup white vinegar

1 tbs kosher salt

1 1/3 cup of water

1 tbs dill seed

1 tbs dill weed

1 clove of garlic minced

I took the cucumber and sliced it thin. I mixed the ingredients and added the cucumber slices to the brine in a bowl. I covered the bowl and let it rest for 3 hours. Then I packed the pickles into a pint canning jar, poured the brine over them and sealed the jar then placed them in the fridge. When you go from the bwol to the jar you will have liquid left over, make sure you get the spices and garlic from the bottom of the brine.

To save time and energy, you can go straight to the pint jar.

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