Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sous Vide cooking

Sous vide is French for "under pressure." If any of you watch Iron Chef then I am sure you have seen chefs vacuum seal food then drop it into an immersion heater. The food is cooked at low temperatures for an extended amout of time. The following is a definition from Wikipedia.

Sous-vide (pronounced /suːˈviːd/),[1] French for "under vacuum",[1] is a method of cooking that is intended to maintain the integrity of ingredients by heating them for an extended period at relatively low temperatures. Food is cooked for a long time, sometimes well over 24 hours. Unlike cooking in a slow cooker, sous-vide cooking uses airtight plastic bags placed in hot water well below boiling point (usually around 60°C or 140°F).

Without the right equipment it would be difficult to do at home. You would have to constantly maintain the same temp throughout the cooking process. I don't think i will be trying this at home.

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